Engineering Manifesto
We are more than just a place to work.
We are a place to learn, thrive and grow - as people and professionals.
We are a place to learn, thrive and grow - as people and professionals.

We have strong opinions, held loosely

We have strong opinions, held loosely

We verify and seek fast feedback, over simply following assumptions

We verify and seek fast feedback, over simply following assumptions

We value a hero team, over a team of heroes

We value a hero team, over a team of heroes

We value agility over being Agile

We value agility over being Agile

We value simplicity over solving assumed future problems

We value simplicity over solving assumed future problems

We foster clean code that achieves business goals, over a gold plated software that sits on a shelf

We foster clean code that achieves business goals, over a gold plated software that sits on a shelf

We are responsible tech partners

We are responsible tech partners

We invest in our craft

We invest in our craft
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